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Hi I’m Emily.

I am 16 and I create artwork which I make into prints and cards to be sold separately or as bulk. I can also make you a personalised design if you so wished.


I have always had a passion for art. From a young age I was often painting and drawing. My Dad taught me how to paint and draw and almost everything I now know today. My Grandma and her art room taught me to love and enjoy art. I love nature and, living in the New Forest, I enjoy painting the world around me.

Quite a few of my paintings are of my two cats who I absolutely adore, Azzy and Nemo. Often when posing for me they fall asleep while sitting next to me which I guess explains why there are few paintings of them with their eyes open, even so I must wake them up just to paint their eyes. I enjoy experimenting with lots of different mediums and styles, check out my gallery!

I will be adding more items to my shop so do make sure to keep looking as new products will arrive.

About Me: Welcome
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